All web users are known about some common tchnology: web1.0, web2.0 and web3.0. So what are the uses of these? What are differences between them? After the invention of World Wide Web the idea behind the technology has been absolutely changed. We can join a MNC and able to work from home easily. So you should have to knowledge about these three web type lets update your terms..
In the starting of web the information published in a static form well formet with the text and pics. Hyper-linking and bookmarking is the main featur of Web 1.0 of the web pages. There are some design elements of web 1.0;
- HTML based web page.
- Online guestbook.
- HTML form sent through email.
The information available in this form is quite different from the past web1.0. It start in 2002 with new ideas to exchange as well as share the content such as Wiki, Weblogs, Widgets, and Tagging etc.
Difference between web1.0 and web2.0
- Web1.0 only for read. But in web2.0 you can express yourself by writing.
- In web2.0 you not only interact with site and webmaster you can also communicate with others.
- Web 1.0 was the age of one and only language i.e. HTML web 2.0 is the field of XML.
- While web1.0 was depended on advertising, web 2.0 has been popularized by word of mouth.
- Previously was meant for website but web 2.0 is not for site it is also about blogs.
- In Web 1.0 there was nothing to exchange. Everything was about one way. Through the emergence of web 2.0 you can exchange your thoughts with other and easily converse with them.
The Web 3.0 could be defined as semantic web, personalization like my yahoo, msn, iGoogle etc.
The semantic web is a more developed extension of WWW. with the help of this technology the web content can be conveyed not only in form of natural language, but also be readable by software agent which letting them to locate, share and assemble information more easily.
Other features of web 3.0
- It will be more personal and portable.
- More focused on the preferences of individuals
- Advertising oriented.
- Widgets with drag and drop facilities.
- Dynamic content.
- User behavior, user engagement etc.